Clearwater, FL to Redington Shores, FL to Sarasota, FL to Cape Haze, FL
Spent a very windy night at anchor in Clearwater this past Monday. Tuesday morning, we took off and had a short sail south to Redington Shores. Was a beautiful, albeit breezy and chilly, sail resplendent with beautiful views.

The anchorage at Redington Shores was awesome, a little nook tucked away in between cute houses and condos.

The Sea Breeze restaurant and bar had a dinghy dock a short way from the boat. They give you a free draft beer with an entree if you come in via boat. We took advantage of that! Here’s a view of the anchorage from Sea Breeze.

Just across the street was the Gulf.

Cute stuff in and around town.

Wednesday, Mike and I took the Jolly Trolly down to Madeira Beach and walked around there and Treasure Island.

Thursday, our friend Jim picked us up and shlepped us around Seminole and St. Pete. Hit the Casual Clam for lunch, then the Green Bench Brewery that his cousin owns. Jim took Mike back to the boat so we could turn our anchor light on. Mike took the dinghy back to Jim’s neighborhood and tied up to a gracious neighbor’s house. Spent the evening with Jim and JoLynn whom I hadn’t seen in years. Jim made an incredible dinner (he’s an amazing cook). Was SO great breaking bread with these two. Have missed them so since they left CA. We were telling Jim that his state’s boaters are the rudest we have ever encountered. I told him I wanted a machine gun for my bow. Look what Jim had in his garage:

Friday morning, we took off for Sarasota. Had a beautiful trip across Tampa Bay.

Got into Sarasota mid-afternoon and picked up a mooring ball. Totally different morning system than we’re used to, but we figured it out.

Dinghied to Marina Jack and walked into town. The bayfront of Sarasota is really nice. Reminded me of Newport Beach. Found a Whole Foods, so did a little provisioning.

Back to the boat, then took the dinghy to the Tiki Bar for a cocktail.

Gorgeous sunset. Beautiful harbor at night.

Departed yesterday morning to beautiful blue skies and a brisk wind. The sail south of Sarasota was stunning! Incredible homes and neighborhoods.

Went through a lot of bridges, one of which was a swing bridge. The operator was a hoot. We communicated with her over the VHF radio and were advised that she would love to open the bridge for us after she stopped vehicle and pedestrian traffic. She then walked out to center-span and manually opened the bridge. Very nice bridge tenders in these parts!
Sailing along southward, we spot the familiar form of a northbound American Tug approaching us. While still a hundred yards away, we were hailed on the VHF by “American Tug 43 Dorado” calling southbound American Tug 34. We chatted briefly with Tom Law (whom we know of from the AT Owner’s Group). We were able to shoot a short video of Dorado as she passed.
Sailed past Venice, FL which was cool. Got into Cape Haze, FL around 2:00. Fueled up, and got into our very small transient slip; Mike threaded that needle like a pro! Took the water taxi to Palm Island across the GICW and to Rum Bay restaurant. Palm Island is a beautiful little island that you can only access via boat or the tiny ferry. Had a rum drink, a fabulous dinner and the best key lime pie I’ve ever tasted (dear friend Jake Adams’ KLP is supposed to be the best in the world…however, we’re still waiting….Jake?)

Today, we are sitting in Aquamarine Palm Harbour Marina while thunder and lightning rage around us. Had brunch at the restaurant adjacent to the marina. Will Uber to a grocery store later. Weather willing, will take off tomorrow for an anchorage outside Cayo Costo State Park that sounds amazing.
Shout out to Jackie Adams whose birthday was Thursday. We’ve toasted her a lot since then.
Cheers! M&M