Yorktown, VA to Mill Creek, VA to Solomons Island, MD to Annapolis, MD
After the wild ride at the marina in Yorktown, we departed for parts north. The seas were glassy until about the last 2 hours of the trip, so we did a 58 mile run to Mill Creek anchorage which was gorgeous!

It was my mom’s 80th birthday, so we broke out a good bottle of bubbles we had been saving and toasted to Betty!

The next day, we hopped in the dinghy and rode over to the Jacey Vineyards dinghy dock.

Where else but Virginia can you dinghy in from your anchorage and go wine tasting? This is not a rhetorical question; if somebody knows, please share!

Had a wonderful afternoon tasting some decent wine and talking with great folks. Had a beautiful charcuterie plate for lunch. Dinghy’d back to the boat with our bootie of some Virginia wine, and made pizza.

Departed Mill Creek at 6:45 the next morning. Had rolly seas the entire trip, to include crossing the mouth of the Potomac which was cool. Sailed past our dear friends Jake and Jackie’s retirement property (we get it now…the Chesapeake is awesome!). Arrived Solomans Island, Maryland around 12:30am. After a bit of a cluster*&@#, we ultimately docked our girl at the Solomons Island Yacht Club (we are not yacht club members, but this place allows folks doing the Great Loop to berth there). The yacht club has the best bar prices in town. Draft beer is $2. Margaritas are $2.50. Dark and Stormy $2.50. Yes please.
We walked to the storied Tiki Bar which is supposed to have great Mai Tais. I thought they sucked, but they do a hell of a business, so who am I to judge?

The next day, I walked a few miles to the grocery store and did a big provision. Had to wait 25 minutes for an Uber to pick me up, but got the groceries back to the boat! Walked past some beautiful churches and homes.

Had a lovely dinner on board FF with Art and Jeanne from The Magic Jeanne with whom we have crossed paths numerous times over the past 8 months. They should be crossing their wake tomorrow.
The next day, Mike rented a car and drove to Manassas, VA to visit a colleague at a regional law enforcement academy. I did a TON of laundry (which was free at the YC) and some badly needed Spring Cleaning on FF. Hopped in the dinghy and went to the Calvert Maritime Museum which was awesome.

After getting back to the boat, I walked across the street to The Pier restaurant and bar which is along the Patuxent River that separates Solomons from St. Mary’s. There was great live music, and a beautiful sunset.

The next morning, Mike returned the rental car and we took off around 11:00am as we were waiting for some winds to dissipate. Traveled a beautiful and calm 57 miles (with a 5 miles detour to Harrington Harbor to take advantage of good fuel rates) to Annapolis. Sailed past some beautiful bluffs, which we really haven’t seen back here.

Picked up a mooring ball around 6:15pm in the very busy harbor, made dinner and chilled.

The next morning, we hopped in the dinghy and docked just adjacent to the United States Naval Academy. Took a tour of the academy which was exceptional! The grounds here are so beautiful. We watched a video in which the midshipmen take their oath to uphold and defend the constitution, which always tears me up.

Mike, of course, wore one of his Army hats, so was the verbal whipping boy of our tour guide! This town takes the Navy v Army rivalry damn seriously!

Under the magnificent cathedral is the crypt of John Paul Jones. Jones was pretty much the first Naval Commander during the Revolutionary War and, some will say, the father of the American Navy. Jones, immortalized by his famous rallying battle cry, “I have not yet begun to fight!”, died in 1792 and was buried in France. In 1906, his remains were exhumed and identified (through an incredible story…look it up), brought to America, and re-interred finally with ceremony at the Academy.

It was well past lunch and we were starving. We hopped back in the dinghy and went over to Eastport. Walked to the Boatyard Bar and Grill which was highly recommended to us by Kent and Heather on Heartbeat. Their happy hour did not disappoint. We met Mark, an entomologist, who lives in MD, is from New Jersey, and got his PhD at UC Davis. Had a hoot of an afternoon with Mark. Ventured over to Davis Pub, where the local sailors hang. Got back to the boat before dark and crashed.
The next morning, Mike got me a massage! I hadn’t had one in forever, and it was wonderful! Afterward, did a late breakfast at the storied Chick and Ruth’s Delly. It was awesome! Dude sitting next to me got a crab cake which was the biggest one I’ve ever seen.

Insert by Mike: Sure wish Mary liked seafood…maybe I’d see a lot more of stuff like this…<sigh>
After consuming a 2000 calorie brunch, knew we needed to get some miles under our hooves, so walked all over the town. There are so many beautiful historic buildings, homes and churches here.

Hit a wine shop for a good bottle of champers. We found a bottle of Alban Vineyards Syrah! This is our favorite American wine, and hard to get, so were thrilled to find it in Maryland! Went back to the boat which was bobbing kind of violently in the harbor. Decided to move to another anchorage field a bit more tucked in. Much, much better, and right next to St. Mary’s Church which is lovely.

Prior to moving the boat, had run into Nick and Tracy of Kailani whom we last saw in Savannah. Met up with them later for dinner at Mission BBQ. (This place is in many locations back east and has a very cool story.) When I was carded for my beer, Mike laughed hysterically and told the gal I was turning 50 on Monday. <Insert by Mike: Yeah…Mary forget to say that I was then “carded” as well–but probably out of sympathy, since I ain’t anywhere close to “Fiddy” no mo> Before we were done with our meal, the same gal brought us 4 strawberry shortcakes and a birthday card signed by their entire staff with two cards for free sandwiches inside. Before this, the staff asked if we needed any insight into Annapolis, or tips for Baltimore where we plan to head next. They were absolutely delightful, and so thoughtful. I sent a super nice letter to the company sharing our experience.

So, today, we have high winds and rain, so are chilling on the boat. Spent some hours this morning plotting and navigating. Mike just exercised, and I’m doing the blog. About to make some turkey chili and watch a movie. Plan is to take off tomorrow morning for Baltimore. Weather forecast looks good; fingers crossed!
Have a great week! M&M
9 thoughts on “Yorktown, VA to Mill Creek, VA to Solomons Island, MD to Annapolis, MD”
Happy belated birthday Mary! What a way to spend it. 🙂
Hi Mike! As always, I enjoy reading your posts xo
Thanks Jen! Super fun day and night. Look forward to hooking up with you in Chicago! Hopefully, around September.
Yes, please do! Whenever you make it this way I should be able to work it out…I have no travel plans around then.
I love reading of these fascinating and beautiful places, and, all the friendly folk you meet. Gives me hope and fires up my itch to run away. Maybe join the Navy. Or a circus, because I imagine circuses don’t require swimming. So glad you had a proper birthday commemoration. Alban Forever.
MIss you both. Love you both. Safe travels.
Miss and love you back. This will be the first year in many we won’t be doing our June dinner…sigh. God love Alban!
Welcome to the Over 50 club, you are in good company.
Happy birthday and cheers!
Thanks Karen! Yep, I’m old now too! Loved your Ojai vid. xo
WOW!!! Hello to you and Mary!! So excited excited that I can reach out to you and say hello!
There’s so much to catch up on! Safe travels!
Ryanna (AKA cheese & macaroni!)
Ryanna! So good to hear from you! Wonderful to see you are following us. Hope everything is awesome sauce with you and yours! Please keep in touch.
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